Since 2009, Denisa Hejlova is a Marketing Communication and Public Relations consultant
for both businesses and non-commercial organizations, including Czech Academy of Science, Veolia, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Aoyama Automotive Fasteners and many others.
Speaker at Business Conferences
Seminar EUPRIO: Czech Republic and Slovakia: Join the Elite – How to attract foreign students in digital age. Prague, Charles University, June 16, 2016 UK_pozvanka_na_seminar_16.6.2016
PR Summit 2013, Prague (October, 2013) – chairing a panel on Government Communication, presenting Government Communication in the Czech Republic: How does the government communicate with its citizens?
Prague International Advertising Festival (PIAF, May 2013) – Opening presentation on the government communication and campaigns
PR Summit 2011, Prague (October, 2011) Opening presentation on the CEO influence of brand’s reputation
Public Speaking
Fulbright Distinguished Lecture Series: Christmas Window Displays in New York: Powerful Marketing Tool and Cultural Event. November 11, 2014. American Center, Prague.
Lectures & Workshops
Zdenek Rykr (1900-1940): Czech Leader in Corporate Communication and Graphic Design. Lecture at National Gallery in Prague
Concept and Interpretation: How to present a project. Lecture and workshop for students of architecture. Prague, ČVUT, 2015
In 2015, Denisa consulted four major Czech NGO’s and research organizations in her seminar Non-commercial Marketing, incl. Byznys pro společnost, Cesta domů, Čtení pomáhá and Filosofický ústav AV ČR. Under her leadership, students accomplished team projects that helped to bring these NGOs marketing, social media or PR solutions